General Seminars

General Seminars are held on Thursdays, 11.00-12.00, in the period between September and July. The Seminar program embraces all areas of astrophysics and related technologies, and is aimed at sharing new scientific results with the entire Observatory community.

The Colloquia Organising Team (Giovanni Sabatini, Francesco Belfiore, Barbara Olmi, Carolina Belli, Elisabeta Lusso) is responsible for selecting and scheduling the general seminars, and is always looking for suggestions for potential speakers. You can get in contact by writing to Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.

Seminars are currently offered in hybrid mode: in person in Arcetri and online. Look for the link in the Google Calendar or weekly email.

Google Calendar, make sure to add this to your calendars by clicking on the plus (+) symbols in the bottom-left corner.

Also of interest, summary page for talks at other INAF institutes

Upcoming Seminars
12/09/2024 Maria Navarro Ovando (INAF - Rome) Unveiling the Origin of Outflow in Young Stellar Objects with JWST
26/09/2024 Xavier Hernandez (UNAM, Mexico City) On the consistency of the GAIA Wide Binary Gravitational Anomaly with MOND
17/10/2024 Michał Hanasz (U. Nicolaus Copernicus, Torun) MHD simulations of the effect of Cosmic Rays in the ISM of galaxies
24/10/2024 Massimo Stiavelli (STScI, Baltimore) Studying high-redshift galaxies with the James Webb Space Telescope
31/10/2024 Andrea Merloni (MPE, Garching) Key results from eROSITA
07/11/2024 Adam Leroy (Ohio State University, Columbus) Molecular Gas and Star Formation in Nearby Galaxies on Cloud Scales
14/11/2024 David Cont (TUM, Munich) Atmospheres of Gas Giant Exoplanets with CRIRES+ and CARMENES
21/11/2024 Paola Caselli (MPE, Garching) The Interstellar Medium and Astrochemistry with JWST: a Review
28/11/2024 Giulia Macario (INAF- Arcetri) An update on the SKA commissioning
05/12/2024 Colin Snodgrass (University of Edinburgh) Recent results and future prospects in comet science
09/01/2025 Andrew Steele (Carnegie Science)
16/01/2025 Elena Pancino  (INAF-OAA) STARDANCE: the non-canonical evolution of stars in clusters 
23/01/2025  Alessandro Bombini (INFN-Labec) Training computer vision models for nuclear imaging and cultural heritage
30/01/2025  NO seminar
06/02/2025 Sofia Randich (INAF-OAA) The wide-field spectroscopic telescope
13/02/2025  NO seminar
20/02/2025 Andrea Ferrara (Scuola Normale Superiore Pisa)
27/02/2025 Giulio Betti & Ramona Magno (IBE-CNR, LAMMA) The many faces of climate change: droughts, extreme rainfall and heatwaves
06/03/2025 Paolo de Bernardis (U. Roma la Sapienza)
13/03/2025 Hannah Ubler (MPE) Galaxies and their Black Holes in the first few billion years
20/03/2025 Carlos De Breuck (ESO Garching) From ALMA development to the ATLAST project
27/03/2025 Tommaso Grassi (MPE)
31/03  & 02/04 & 04/04 Monica Colpi (U Milano Bicocca) ROSSI LECTURES 2025
10/04/2025 Catherine Walsh (U of Leeds)  
08/05/2025 TBD  
15/05/2025 TBD