Neutron Stars
The Code
Here is a list of links/insitution/collaboartions on the study of neutron stars:
Arcetri High Energy Group. The High Energy Astrophysics Group at the Osservatorio di Arcetri INAF
Arcetri Space & Astrophysical Plasmas at the Physics & Astronomy Department of the Firenze University
NewCOMPSTAR: "This COST Action brings together the leading experts in astrophysics, nuclear physics and gravitational physics to address this fascinating but challenging research area through an interdisciplinary approach."
Astrophysics@ITP. Group working on compact stars and physics of dense matter, gravitational physics and general relativity, astroparticle physics, and cosmology
INFN - TeOnGrav: "This INFN initiative led by Dr. Leonardo Gualtieri (Roma, La Sapienza) focus on the study of sources of gravitational waves."
Theoretical and computational physics, at the Iniversity of Trento
Gravitational Wave Group at the Sapienza, University of Rome
Gravitational Physics Group at the University of Parma
Gruppo 4 - Fisica Teorica University of Ferrara